Moving my blog

Well, this is the first post of the blog; which I hope that can help to anyone with a lot of things that I have in mind to put here. The first thing that I want to explain is the name of the blog. In an constant research ??? What is this? Are you kidding ???

No, I 'm not kidding. The main subject that I want to pursuit with this name is that I'm always investigating new trends, new pieces of technologies, new ways to do things, etc.

Now, the fields for me are very interesting:
- Data Storage Technologies: with this term I'm trying to group RDBMS and NoSQL on a single group. It's very tricky but I didn't find another way to do this.
- Operating Systems: That's one of my favorites. Solaris, Linux (and its different distributions,), BSD's, Mac and course Windows too. (Why not ??)
- Mobile Technologies: I'm a big fan of this kind of things. Words like Android, iOS, BlackBerry OS, Symbian, Meebo, Palm, Windows Mobile, etc; always put my mind to think...
- Business Development: Yes, I'm 24 years old now and a young professional, but in a future, I want to participate on a enterprise foundation, so this topic is very challenging and interesting for me. Learning from Joel Spolsky, Reid Hoffman, Jeff Bezos, Steve Wozniak, I think that it's a good start for me.

Well the first task that I want to do is to move all content of my old blog to here. So, I have many things to do.

Kind regards.


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